Buying Remote Storage From Backblaze

Buying Remote Storage From Backblaze is a brief guide to setting up a Backblaze account. Many companies are offering remote storage at a range of prices. Backblaze is among the cheapest but not always the quickest. In addition, it has an API that is fully compatible with Amazon S3. Consequently, there is a lot of support for using this storage with third party programs. Additionally, there is an excellent free allowance each month.

Full Guide

This article is part of a more extensive series on setting up and maintaining servers for Opensimulator. It is possible to read this as a stand-alone article; however, it has limited scope.

Getting Going

Navigate to the Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage page and sign up.

Buying Remote Storage From Backblaze - Back Blaze Home Page
Back Blaze Home Page

After clicking the signup button, it will ask for an email address and password. Next, it will request linking a phone number to the account.

After connecting a phone number, there is the option to enable two-factor authentication (highly recommended).

BackBlaze 2 Factor Authentication
BackBlaze 2 Factor Authentication

Once the account setup is complete, it is possible to create new buckets (similar to folders). Each bucket has an individual name and set of credentials. A later article uses buckets and the API to manage the backup of multiple servers automatically.

Creating Buckets – Buying Remote Storage From Backblaze

Buying Remote Storage From Backblaze - Backblaze Create Bucket
Backblaze Create Bucket

Click the create bucket button and then give the bucket a name. For the purpose of this guide please create one bucket per server substituting the period between the numbers with a hyphen. E.g. becomes 192-168-1-254. Encryptions is not needed as the backup files are encrypted before they are stored.

Backblaze Create Bucket 3
Backblaze Create Bucket 3

Make a note of the bucket Id and the endpoint, both are necessary when setting up a backup on the server(covered in a later article).

Creating API Keys

Backblaze App Keys
Backblaze App Keys

While it is possible to generate one master key that can do everything it is not typically a good idea. Instead, create one key per bucket so each server only has access to a single bucket.

Buying Remote Storage From Backblaze - Backblaze App Keys 2
Backblaze App Keys 2

Make a note of the details it displays they will be necessary for a later article describing the backup process.

Backblaze App Keys 3
Backblaze App Keys 3

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